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Sign and Store

Sign and Store

AdaStamp lets you store and sign documents in a totally decentralized way. Documents are stored on IPFS storage. Signatures are stored on the Cardano blockchain. There is no centralized service provider. You can specify signers of your document, and they will be notified about the need to sign. You will be notified as soon as the document gets signed by everyone.

PDF Support

PDF Support

PDF is the most common format of electronic legal documents (contracts, orders, etc.) AdaStamp provides full support for signing PDF documents.



Documents managed by AdaStamp are stored in an encrypted form, so access is limited only to those who have access granted. And if a signing wallet has passed a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedure that proves signer’s identity, a signature can be treated as a legally binding one.



AdaStamp is a total opposite of a proprietary solution. Documents and signatures are stored in a decentralized way. And the solution itself is an open-source set of libraries that can be used by developers of smart contracts and dApps.